Fenris O'Neill

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Sweaty Betty

AA Insurance

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Why I’m Sweating with Pride

I'm doing Sweating with Pride to try and help where I can! :)

My Impact

So far in this year’s challenge I have…

Image of my impact

Raised $20 to support our Rainbow communities.

Sponsor Me

Track my Progress

I’m sweating for 15 minutes
per day this June!

0 minutes completed
450 minutes goal

My Ranking

Help me get to the top 1000!

View Full Leaderboards

My Team

Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

Raised so far:


Thank you to my Sponsors


Sathish Ravi

A small amount to start with Bro


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️

Most people donate $50

Please give what you can.

I’d love to hear more from Sweat with Pride