Lou Wall

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Why I’m Sweating with Pride

Why I’m Participating in Sweat with Pride

Participating in Sweat with Pride is my way of supporting our Rainbow communities, whose rights and well-being are close to my heart. Seeing the impact of inclusive policies like the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill, which legalized same-sex marriage in New Zealand in 2013, underscores the importance of standing up for equal rights. This bill allowed same-sex couples to marry and adopt children jointly, changing countless lives for the better.

Additionally, the tireless efforts for safe abortion access, protections against revenge porn, and support for transgender rights demonstrate the ongoing need to advocate for our Rainbow communities. Fundraising through Sweat with Pride is a tangible way for me to contribute to these vital causes and ensure that everyone in our Rainbow communities feels valued and protected.

By sharing my journey and why this cause matters to me, I hope to inspire my friends and whānau to support this mission. Together, we can make a real difference in promoting equality and acceptance for all.

My Impact

So far in this year’s challenge I have…

Image of my impact

Helped to sponsor a year of training for two support line volunteers, so they can be there for people in crisis.

Sponsor Me

Track my Progress

I’m sweating for 42 minutes
per day this June!

1,697 minutes completed
1,260 minutes goal

My Ranking

I’m #19 out of 4,347 Sweaty Bettys

Profile pic

Lou Wall



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My Updates


Sunday 30th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā toru tekau (day 30) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 65 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. As we reach the end of this journey, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all our supporters and sponsors. Your commitment to building a healthier, more inclusive society is truly inspiring. Your generosity helps us create a world where everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, feels safe, supported, and valued. Thank you for helping us make a difference. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue empowering ourselves and others to reach new heights!


Saturday 29th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā iwa tekau mā iwa (day 29) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 60 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it directly supports the work of the Burnett Foundation. A heartfelt thank you to all our supporters and sponsors for their contributions to the Burnett Foundation. Your generosity helps us provide essential support and resources to LGBTQ+ individuals in New Zealand, making a positive impact on their health and well-being. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue empowering ourselves and others to reach new heights!


Friday 28th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau mā waru (day 28) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 65 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it’s about more than just a workout routine; it’s about standing in solidarity with Rainbow communities. Thank you to all our supporters and sponsors for standing with us in support of LGBTQ+ individuals. Your generosity and commitment make a real difference in the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals, and we are incredibly grateful for your support. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue empowering ourselves and others to reach new heights!


Thursday 27th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau mā whitu (day 27) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 65 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it fosters personal growth for both individuals and communities. Through fundraising, advocacy, and engagement with LGBTQ+ issues, we have the opportunity to grow personally and make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Taking action to support marginalized communities fosters empathy, resilience, and a deeper understanding of social justice issues, contributing to personal and collective growth. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue growing together and making a positive impact in the world!


Wednesday 26th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau mā ono (day 26) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 59 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it fosters social connection for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies alike. Initiatives like Sweat with Pride allow us to connect with like-minded individuals who share our commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ communities. Building connections and solidarity within these networks fosters a sense of belonging and community, strengthening our collective efforts to advocate for change and create a more inclusive society. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue building connections and working together to create positive change for LGBTQ+ communities!


Tuesday 25th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau mā rima (day 25) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 61 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it promotes physical well-being for all individuals, regardless of identity. Engaging in regular exercise, even for just 21 minutes a day, offers numerous benefits for physical health and well-being. Exercise boosts energy levels, reduces stress, improves mood, and promotes overall wellness. By prioritizing physical activity, we contribute to a healthier lifestyle and improved quality of life for ourselves and others. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue prioritizing our physical well-being and supporting each other on this journey to better health!


Monday 24th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau whā (day 24) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 57 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it promotes empowerment for LGBTQ+ individuals. Taking action to support marginalized communities, such as LGBTQ+ individuals, empowers both yourself and others to make a positive difference in the world. Through fundraising, advocacy, and allyship, we can amplify the voices and needs of LGBTQ+ communities, driving meaningful change. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for empowerment and equality for all!


Sunday 23rd Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau-mā-toru (day 23) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 61 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it promotes inclusivity for LGBTQ+ individuals. Supporting initiatives that prioritize LGBTQ+ well-being sends a powerful message of inclusivity and acceptance. By actively advocating for the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ individuals, we contribute to creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for inclusivity and acceptance for LGBTQ+ individuals in all aspects of life!


Saturday 22nd Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau-mā-whā (day 22) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 54 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it provides crucial community support for LGBTQ+ individuals. LGBTQ+ communities often rely on grassroots initiatives and support networks for resources and advocacy. Your contributions directly support these communities by providing essential services, resources, and advocacy efforts that uplift and empower LGBTQ+ individuals. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for and strengthening our LGBTQ+ communities together!


Friday 21st Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau-mātahi (day 21) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 46 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it raises awareness about the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. Discrimination, stigma, and health disparities are significant issues within our community, and by engaging in conversations and fundraising efforts, we can increase understanding and empathy within society. By shining a light on these challenges, we pave the way for greater acceptance, support, and equality for LGBTQ+ individuals. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for a more inclusive and compassionate world for all!


Thursday 20th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rua tekau (day 20) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 42 minutes walking at the terminal in Vancouver on my way to Toronto as the Pride Toronto 2024 International Grand Marshal. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it contributes to combatting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) within the LGBTQ+ community. STIs remain a concern, with certain infections being more prevalent among this population. By supporting this initiative, we can fund education, prevention, and treatment programs that help reduce the spread of STIs and improve sexual health outcomes for LGBTQ+ individuals. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for comprehensive sexual health services and education for all LGBTQ+ individuals!


Wednesday 19th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-iwa (day 19) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 55 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it contributes to mental health support for the LGBTQ+ community. Mental illness affects a significant portion of our community, yet access to culturally competent mental health services can be limited. By supporting this initiative, we can help fund mental health support services tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals, providing essential resources for those struggling with their mental well-being. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for accessible and affirming mental health services for all LGBTQ+ individuals!


Tuesday 18th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-waru (day 18) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 55 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Participating in this initiative is incredibly important because it can help save lives. LGBTQ+ individuals often encounter discrimination and a lack of acceptance, which can contribute to mental health struggles and an increased risk of suicide. By supporting this initiative, we can work towards creating safer spaces and providing resources for those in crisis, potentially making a life-saving difference for individuals within our community. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for the well-being and safety of all LGBTQ+ individuals!


Monday 17th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-whitu (day 17) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 55 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Religious Discrimination: Reflecting on broader societal challenges, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of religious discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. This discrimination alienates us from our faith communities and spiritual beliefs, causing emotional distress and spiritual crisis. It fosters feelings of guilt, shame, and self-rejection, as well as internalized homophobia or transphobia. Additionally, religious discrimination may result in social ostracism, loss of social support, and a sense of existential uncertainty for LGBTQ+ individuals reconciling their identities with their faith. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for inclusive and affirming spaces within all religious communities!


Sunday 16th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-ono (day 16) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 72 minutes to my workout routine, inspired by the CHIEFS win last night, and surpassed my daily goal of 42 minutes by a significant margin. Educational Discrimination: Reflecting on broader societal challenges, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of educational discrimination against LGBTQ+ students. This discrimination disrupts learning environments and hinders academic achievement by fostering increased absenteeism, dropout rates, and academic underperformance. Bullying, harassment, or exclusion based on sexual orientation or gender identity contribute to these challenges. Additionally, educational discrimination impacts mental health, self-esteem, and future opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals, perpetuating cycles of inequality and marginalization within educational settings. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for inclusive and supportive educational environments for all students!


Saturday 15th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-whitu (day 15) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 59 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Family Discrimination: Reflecting on broader societal challenges, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of family discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. This discrimination causes emotional distress, instability, and trauma for those who face rejection or hostility from family members. It can lead to strained relationships, loss of familial support, and feelings of alienation and abandonment. Additionally, family discrimination may contribute to homelessness, substance abuse, and mental health challenges among LGBTQ+ youth and adults. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue fostering acceptance and support within our families and communities!


Friday 14th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-whā (day 14) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 52 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Healthcare Discrimination: Reflecting on broader societal challenges, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of healthcare discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. This discrimination compromises our well-being and safety by impeding access to quality and affirming healthcare services. It can lead to delayed or denied care, misdiagnosis, and inadequate treatment, exacerbating health disparities within our community. Additionally, healthcare discrimination undermines trust in the medical system, discouraging LGBTQ+ individuals from seeking essential care and support. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for equitable healthcare access and affirming treatment for all!


Thursday 13th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-mā-toru (day 13) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 50 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Workplace Discrimination: Reflecting on broader societal challenges, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of workplace discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. This discrimination creates barriers to employment, career advancement, and fair treatment, resulting in economic instability, financial insecurity, and decreased job satisfaction. Additionally, workplace discrimination contributes to stress, anxiety, and diminished productivity, impacting both mental and physical health outcomes. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for inclusive workplaces and equal opportunities for all!


Wednesday 12th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-mā-rua (day 12) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 42 minutes to my workout routine, meeting my daily goal. Social Discrimination: Reflecting on broader societal challenges, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of social discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. This discrimination fosters an environment of fear, isolation, and exclusion, leading to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Additionally, social discrimination increases the risk of physical harm, harassment, and violence, exacerbating feelings of insecurity and trauma within our community. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue fostering inclusivity and acceptance for all!


Tuesday 11th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau-mā-tahi (day 11) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 64 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Legal Discrimination: Reflecting on the broader context, I’m reminded of the harmful effects of legal discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals. It denies us equal rights and protections under the law, fostering feelings of inequality, insecurity, and vulnerability. This discrimination restricts access to essential benefits, resources, and opportunities, perpetuating societal stigmatization and marginalization within our community. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue advocating for equality and justice for all!


Monday 10th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā tekau (day 10) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 57 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Personal Empowerment: Reflecting on my journey with Sweat with Pride, I’m reminded of the profound impact it has had on my personal empowerment. Setting and achieving fitness goals within this program has not only boosted my self-confidence and self-esteem but has also empowered me to tackle challenges both within and outside of the fitness realm. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue empowering ourselves and others to reach new heights!


Sunday 9th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā iwa (day 9) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 62 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Advocacy: As I continue with Sweat with Pride, I'm reminded of the platform it provides for actively supporting LGBTQ+ causes and raising awareness about important community issues. By participating in this program, we contribute to advocacy efforts aimed at promoting inclusivity and equality within society. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s keep advocating for positive change and making a difference together!


Saturday 8th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā waru (day 8) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I dedicated 44 minutes to my workout routine, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Community Support: Participating in Sweat with Pride continues to enrich my sense of belonging and camaraderie. Engaging in group fitness activities allows me to connect with like-minded individuals, fostering a supportive community network that empowers us all to thrive together. Ngā mihi nui for your ongoing support—let’s continue building our community and making a positive impact together!


Friday 7th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā whitu (day 7) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I exercised for 50 minutes, a mix of walking and gym work. Exercise and PTSD/Trauma: Engaging your body during exercise can alleviate PTSD symptoms by shifting the nervous system away from the stress response. Activities such as walking, running, swimming, weight training, dancing, and outdoor sports are especially beneficial. Ngā mihi nui for your support—let’s remain resilient and keep making a positive impact together!


Thursday 6th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā ono (day 6) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I exercised for 50 minutes, once again surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Exercise and ADHD: Regular exercise is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce ADHD symptoms and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. Physical activity immediately boosts the brain’s levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin—all of which enhance focus and attention. In this way, exercise works similarly to ADHD medications such as Ritalin and Adderall. Ngā mihi nui for your support—let’s stay strong and continue making a difference together!


Wednesday 5th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā rima (day 5) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I exercised for 65 minutes, surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Exercise is a powerful stress reliever. It helps relax tense muscles, alleviates physical symptoms like headaches and muscle cramps, and releases endorphins that improve mental well-being. By staying active, we can break the cycle of stress and enhance both our body and mind. Ngā mihi nui for your support—let’s stay strong and continue making a difference together!


Tuesday 4th Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my rā whā (day 4) update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I exercised for 59 minutes, surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Exercise is a natural and effective treatment for āwangawanga (anxiety). It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. While any movement helps, you’ll benefit more by paying attention to your exercise. Notice the sensation of your feet hitting the ground, the rhythm of your breathing, or the feeling of the wind on your skin. Adding this mindfulness element helps improve your physical condition faster and can interrupt the flow of constant worries. Ngā mihi nui for your support—let’s stay strong and continue making a difference together!


Monday 3rd Jun
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Kia ora koutou! Here’s my day 3 update for Sweat with Pride. Today, I exercised for 55 minutes, surpassing my daily goal of 42 minutes. Exercise has significant benefits for mental health, particularly in treating depression. It can be as effective as antidepressants for mild to moderate depression, without the side effects. For example, a Harvard study found that 15 minutes of running or an hour of walking daily can reduce the risk of major depression by 26%. Regular exercise helps alleviate symptoms and prevent relapse by promoting neural growth, reducing inflammation, and creating new brain activity patterns that foster calm and well-being. It also releases endorphins and serves as a distraction from negative thoughts. Thank you for your support—let’s stay strong and continue making a difference together!


Sunday 2nd Jun
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RUA Kia ora koutou! I'm thrilled to give you my day 2 update for Sweat with Pride! Today, I crushed 65 minutes of activity, surpassing yesterday's 51 minutes. One of the best parts of this challenge is feeling the mental health benefits of consistent exercise. It's not just about physical health; it's a game-changer for mental well-being too. Exercise brings a huge sense of happiness, amps up energy levels, improves sleep, sharpens memory, and fosters relaxation and positivity. Plus, it's a powerful ally against depression, anxiety, and stress. Even small doses of exercise can make a big impact. Thanks for your ongoing support—it's crucial in our mission to promote equal rights and well-being. Let's stay strong, courageous, and resilient—keep pushing forward, and let's make a difference together!


Saturday 1st Jun
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Saturday 1st Jun
I’m excited to report that after day 1 of Sweat with Pride, I completed 51 minutes of activity, exceeding my goal of 42 minutes! Starting this challenge on such a high note is incredibly motivating, especially knowing that every minute helps support our Rainbow communities. Tēnā koutou for your support—it’s crucial in our collective effort to champion equal rights and well-being. Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui—let’s continue to push forward and make a lasting difference together!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Pott Whanau

Kia kaha, Lou! The Pott Whānau is proud to support you in raising funds for our Rainbow communities through Sweat with Pride. 🌈💦


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Prue Kapua



Nanny and Snowy-Rose

Kia Kaha Aunty Lou! Xx


BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony

Keep on sweating! Arohanui, BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony.



Kia kaha!


Yvonne Johns

Ago Louisa x


Lou Wall


Pania Tahau-Hodges

So proud of you cuz! Arohanui, nā Pania māua ko Turi xx


Aunty Chrissy

Keep up the amazing work you do Lou


Linda Heavey

Go Lou! All the best.


Kumuda Setty

All the best Louisa!


BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony

Keep on sweating! Arohanui, BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony.


Carolyn Edwards


BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony

Keep on sweating! Arohanui, BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony.


Nigel Chee



Done!! Kia kaha!!


Tara DSousa

Go Louisa! So proud of your mahi for the rainbow community and gender equality in Aotearoa and globally!


BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony

Keep on sweating! Arohanui, BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony.


Nikki Kaye

Great work Lou!


Rhonda And Clive Wilcox


Betty Sio

Malo Lou!


Lois and Gaylene Hawley-Simmonds

Proud of you e hoa and this plight for the fight!



Great cause


Georgia MacGibbon

Keep going Lou! Love G+A+T


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️

Most people donate $50

Please give what you can.

I’d love to hear more from Sweat with Pride