Cheyanne Rose

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Why I’m Sweating with Pride

I’m taking on Sweat with Pride this June to raise money for our Rainbow communities! 💦🌈

Our schools, workplaces, and doctors’ offices are still not safe places for many Rainbow New Zealanders and it’s putting lives at risk.

More than half our rainbow whānau have experienced mental illness. One in five of our rainbow rangatahi (youth) have attempted suicide. And life changing STIs like syphilis, mpox and HIV are still far too common. Things need to change. Now, more than ever, we need to stand strong and support our rainbow whānau.

So, this June I’m fighting discrimination with perspiration, and I've committed to exercising for at least 21 minutes EVERY DAY to raise money to support Rainbow Kiwis.

This cause means a lot to me. I’d be SO GRATEFUL if you could chip in to help me reach my goal. Every dollar I raise will fund life-changing mental, physical and sexual health services for Rainbow New Zealanders.

Thank you sooooo much ❤️

My Impact

So far in this year’s challenge I have…

Image of my impact

Unlocked four counselling sessions for someone struggling with their identity or sexual health.

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Track my Progress

I’m sweating for 21 minutes
per day this June!

6,393 minutes completed
630 minutes goal

My Ranking

I’m #218 out of 4,346 Sweaty Bettys

Profile pic

Cheyanne Rose



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My Updates

Day 11 🔥💪

Tuesday 11th Jun
Today's sweat session consisted of an hour and a half of netball - training at the Edgar Centre and an indoor game at Metro. 
Tonight was a lot of fun! 

Today's not so fun fact: did you know 7 in 10 (70%!) Transgender people report being impacted by transbophia when accessing Healthcare services? This discrimination results in poor health outcomes in all aspects of health - mental, physical, social and spiritual. Just another reminder to think about what you say and how you treat people before you speak. It may have long lasting and detrimental impacts on those around you. 

Short and sweet (or should I say sweat) update today, more netball to come tomorrow 😂🏳️‍🌈

Day 10!

Monday 10th Jun
Today I reached a milestone of smashing through my 600 minute sweat goal of the month - on day 10!! How good 🔥 

Today's sweat session consisted of a couple of hours playing indoor netball with the coolest kids at Metro Indoor Sports Dunedin 😎 by far my favorite part of the week, it's my second home. 

Today's fun fact: did you know that New Zealand ranks fourth in world for most lgbtqia+ friendly countries in the globally? Whilst we are high ranking, we still have more work to do to create safe spaces and inclusivity. 🇳🇿 🏳️‍🌈

Day nine!

Sunday 9th Jun
Blog image
Today's sweat session was a Sunday reset walk in nature. Time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of society and the social media scrolling. It was nice to reflect on the week while listening to the songs of birds and whispers of the wind through the trees. ____________________________________________________ I was lucky enough to snap this photo of a rainbow on my outing, I had forgotten how beautiful they are! 🌈 ___________________________________________________ Today's resource I would like to share is the non-profit organization Nevertheless. Nevertheless seeks to create safe spaces for lgbtqia+ Māori and Pacifika people. Nethertheless seek to enable a space to be heard and free in full authenticity without denying their holistic identity. They aim to disrupt shame and stigma with authenticity, truth and love. ___________________________________________________ Read more about their awesome work and kaupapa here:

Day 8 (Written retrospectively)

Sunday 9th Jun
Day 8 of sweating was a special day for me. I put in some serious sweat for my competitive netball team, the Kaikorai Demons where we won out first game of the season 🔥💪 

The pride and joy that came off the hard work we put in is indescribable, I look forward to what's to come as our team progresses through the season. 

Today I have a fun fact for you: 🤔

Did you know Georgina Beyer was the first ever openly transgender Mayor and Member of Parliament in New Zealand and globally? This paved the way for representation in key roles that saw progressive anti-discrimination policies, representation and advocacy for the lgbtqia+ community. It also set the example to the world of the importance of identity inclusivity in politics.

This is an awesome piece of NZ history, yet we still do not have the representation necessary and required for minority groups in our political landscape in 2024. 🏳️‍🌈

Day Seven! (Written retrospectively)

Sunday 9th Jun
Week one of Sweat With Pride is DONE! So far, I have sweated for over 400 minutes, and am nearly half way to my fundraising goal - with $246 raised. A super massive thank you to everyone who has donated- you guys rock!! 

Today's statistic: The lgbtqia+ population in NZ is more likely to hold a formal qualification than the average population. 
Despite this, people who identify as LGBTQIA+ earn 10K less per year than their non-lgbtqia+ counterparts on average. Contributing to this is stigma and discrimination that is still prevalent in society, and is a reminder that although we may be progressive in law and inclusion policies, our biggest barriers are the internal (and external) bias held in our subconscious mind. Another timely reminder to check your thoughts and personal biases that may be causing harm to those around you - whether intentional or not 🧠😇

Day Six!

Thursday 6th Jun
Sweat With Pride day six! 
Today's sweat session was a bit unique and involved 21 minutes sweating it out playing ping-pong 🏓  

Thank you to the cool kids that stuck around after the ping-pong tournament to help me get my sweat session in 🤗 

Today I wanted to share another resource: RainbowYOUTH whose kaupapa is to provide information, support, resourcss and advocacy in an effort to create social change. 
Their motto is "Whāia tō ake ngākaunui, i te pono, i te mārama." Which translates to 
"Know who you are, be who you are".

The power of creating a safe environment to enable authenticity is understated- we all deserve to live in a world where we are safe to be our authentic selves. Check out their website to learn more about what they get up to! ( 🏳️‍🌈 

A super massive shout out to my biggest sponsor today - Katy you are a 🌟 and such an role model to me in living authentically, thank you for your donation 💕

Day Five!

Wednesday 5th Jun
Blog image
Day fives sweat session was more netball tonight - I promise I will do something un-netball related for tomorrow's session!  _______________________________________________☆☆☆ Today was a milestone! I have reached $200 in fundraising - that's more than double what I had this morning 🥳 a super massive thank you to everyone who donated today- it genuinely means so much to me! Special shout out to Alex P and Andrew K of EP who were my biggest donators today 💕  _______________________________________________☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆ Today I want to share another important milestone of NZ history: _______________________________________________ ___ Did you know gay marriage was only legalized in August of 2013 in New Zealand? That was ONLY 10 years ago!! While we have made leaps in diversity and inclusion, it cannot be understated the trauma still impacting the lgbtqia+ community for the discrimination they experienced and continue to experience today. Imagine it being illegal to marry the love of your life. In the spirit of this, I have shared an image of the Brisbane harbour bridge the day gay marriage was legalized in Australia - this happened in 2018 - just over 5 years ago (so incredibly recent). I remember the absolute power of hope that it was a turning point in culture. 🏳️‍🌈

Day four 🥳

Tuesday 4th Jun
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Day fours sweat session consisted of 60 minutes of netball training with the absolute queens of Kaikorai netball club 😊🔥 Today's fun fact: did you know 1 in 20 New Zealanders identify as lgbtqia+? That means it's highly likely you know someone in your life who identifies as something other than hetero, which is a timely reminder to always check yourself, your language and the way you treat people. Not everyone is open about their identity, and being kind and mindful of language and bigotry is a great way to ensure you are not damaging someone's mental health (and Noone likes a homophobe!). Make this world a better place ✨️

Day Three!

Monday 3rd Jun
Day three of Sweat With Pride meant 3 hours of indoor netball! Can confirm lots of sweat occurred today. Shout out to the great community at metro sports, my literal second home 💙 

Today, instead of a fun fact or sobering statistic, I would like to share a valuable resource that may help people in the lgbtq+ community who may be facing mental health struggles ✨️

OutLine ( is a free, confidential mental health support line for all ages. OutLine provides free peer or professional support for the rainbow community, including free counseling. They are available at anytime between 6am-9pm and can be contacted on 0800 688 5463 🌈
Not only do they provide a valuable talking service, their website has a bunch of great resources, including resources for workplaces and parents to help support their lgbtq+ community. I encourage you to check it out! 🫶🏼

Day two!

Sunday 2nd Jun
Blog image
Today was a nice easy beach walk catching up with an old friend. Whilst it wasn't the most physical, the laughing, memory sharing and catching up was good for the soul. It was a reminder of the importance of friendship and detaching from technology for a while. . . Today's statistic is less fun, but very important nonetheless: approximately 50% of lgbtq+ people experience depression and 60% experience anxiety. This is exacerbated by hate crimes, discrimination and poor access to Healthcare and other essential services. It is a reminder to be kind, always 🏳️‍🌈💙

Day one!

Saturday 1st Jun
Today marks day one of Sweat With Pride 2024! 
What better way to kick it off than 21 minutes of Jacob's Ladder (242 steps each way!) I managed to do it four times, and when the sweat literally dripped off my face onto the concrete below me, I definitely felt a sense of achievement 💪

I aim to provide one statistic, fact or resource per day of sweat with pride, as well as keep you updated on how I'm filling in my 21 minutes of sweat 🥵

Today's fun fact: 

The first iconic rainbow pride flag was originally designed in 1978! 
Each color of the flag (originally 8, soon amended to 6) has a meaning attached to each - how neat is that? 
The meaning of each of the original colors is outlined below: 

Red - Life
Orange - Healing
Pink - Sexuality
Yellow - Sunlight 
Green - Nature
Turquoise - Creativity 
Indigo - Harmony 
Violet - Spirit 

Today, there are over 20 pride flags 🏳️‍🌈🥰

See you all tomorrow with another update! 💦

My Team

Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

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Team Photo

Raised so far:


Team Photo

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Team Photo

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Team Photo

Raised so far:


Thank you to my Sponsors


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Nanny Bear







Alex Poulin

Nice one Chey 💪 keep up da good work. Okay u can stop harassing me now :-)




kathrine davis

So Proud of you, Cuz!


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Crystal Lee

You're doing great Chey!


Cheyanne Rose




Andrew Koens


BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony

Keep on sweating! Arohanui, BNZ, Spark Health, and Synthony.


Francene Thomas

You smashed it Cheyanne!


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


rachel e


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️






You go gal!



Most people donate $50

Please give what you can.

I’d love to hear more from Sweat with Pride