King's College

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Our Fundraising Progress

Raised so far


Our goal


We’re taking on Sweat with Pride this June to raise money for Rainbow communities! 💦🌈

Our schools, workplaces, and doctors’ offices are still not safe places for many Rainbow New Zealanders and it’s putting lives at risk.  

More than half our rainbow whānau have experienced mental illness. One in five of our rainbow rangatahi (youth) have attempted suicide. And STIs like syphilis, mpox and HIV are still far too common. Things need to change. 

So, this June we’re fighting discrimination with perspiration, and have committed to exercising for at least 21 minutes EVERY DAY to raise money to support Rainbow Kiwis.

This cause means a lot to us. We’d be SO GRATEFUL if you could chip in to help us reach our goal. Every dollar we raise will fund life-changing mental, physical and sexual health services for Rainbow New Zealanders.

Thank you sooooo much ❤️

Sponsor Us

Team Members

Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Raised so far:


Thank you to our Sponsors




King's College Performing Arts

congratulations on this amazing event


Theta Project


Thang C Quan

Don't miss 1 min of sweating or I'm going to collect back.


Jacky Zeng

For Elizabeth


Ben P


Kendall Roy

I AM the eldest boy!!




Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Mandy Kinne & Ky Quan

We're so proud of you for doing this challenge, Elizabeth! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎🩵🩷


Lauren Lethbridge



From Mum and Dad!


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Rob Griffiths




Gina Adams


Richard P

Loved the Kendall Roy dude


Jasmine Kovach


Grant McKibbin


Jordan Eskra


Melanie C


Gloria Guan


Gloria Guan


bernny zeng

good to see that! well done!


Matt Kidd


The Herman’s



So proud of you Sarah! Go you 🤗


Sally Dearing

Good luck with all the sweating! Very worth cause!


Elizabeth Zeng


Charlotte Langdon


Nushi Wijewardena


K Holtz

Great cause


Maria Lamberto


Nikki Bentley

I hope you meet your goal




Robert Lethbridge

Way to go


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Matt Buckley


Philippa Lark


Loata Mahe



Tammy Kairau

Amazing work team!


Alex Biggs





Lynne Langdon


Jess BB


Liam Revell


Theo Bougen

I really wanna get that pride pin so i’m going for more than $30 through june :))


Matched Donation

Keep on sweating ❤️


Theo Bougen


Oscar Neville-White

Most people donate $50

Please give what you can.

I’d love to hear more from Sweat with Pride
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